Knock The Ball Loose
by Sean Paraventi
directed by James Howland
At first, John and Becky appear to be a couple of middle-aged empty nesters. But each is harboring a secret.
He's having an affair while she's developed a taste for the good life-acquired through shoplifting. While Becky confides
to her therapist, John's frustrated mistress loses her patience and confronts Becky just before pulling off another heist.
The incident proves cathartic and radically changes the lives of all involved.
Dave Fedewa
Lisa Jesswein
Laura Heikkinen
Maureen Paraventi
Friday, January 24th 8pm
Saturday, January 25th 8pm
Sunday, January 26th 2pm
Friday, January 31st 8pm
Saturday, February 1st 8pm
Sunday, February 2nd 2pm
Friday, February 7th 8pm
Saturday, February 8th 2pm
Saturday, February 9th 8pm
To reserve tickets call 313.532.4010 or email rcptickets@gmail.com.
To purchase tickets online please visit our Online Box Office.