Monday, November 18th & Tuesday, November 19th 7-10pm

Knock The Ball Loose by Sean Paraventi

Directed by Jamie Howland
Assistant Directed by Kez Settle

Click here to reserve a time slot for your audition.

At first, John and Becky appear to be a couple of middle-aged empty nesters. But each is harboring a secret. He's having an affair while she's developed a taste for the good life-acquired through shoplifting. While Becky confides to her therapist, John's frustrated mistress loses her patience and confronts Becky just before pulling off another heist. The incident proves cathartic and radically changes the lives of all involved.

Character Descriptions
Becky: A woman in her 40s-50s, Becky struggles with depression and feelings of being overwhelmed. She often feels emotionally affected by world events and has trouble dealing with her mental health, despite therapy and medication. Her spontaneous shoplifting, initially accidental, evolves into a coping mechanism that brings her a fleeting sense of excitement and control. Despite her struggles, she displays humor and a deep love for her family.
John: Becky's husband, also in his 40s-50s, John is a caring and devoted spouse who tries to support Becky through her mental health challenges. He avoids conflict and seeks to maintain harmony, often deflecting difficult conversations with humor. Although he struggles with Becky's behavior, he remains committed to their relationship, even as he navigates his own feelings and a complicated relationship with another woman.
Annie: A woman in her late 30s, Annie is John's lover. She is passionate and tired of being "the other woman," seeking a more committed and permanent relationship with John. While understanding of John's situation, she grows increasingly frustrated by his hesitance to leave Becky. Annie is strong-willed, knows what she wants, and is willing to issue an ultimatum to prompt John to make a decision.
Dr. Halper: A female therapist, aged 30s-50s, who treats Becky. She tries to help Becky confront her deeper issues, often encouraging her to explore her feelings and motivations. Dr. Halper is empathetic but struggles to connect with Becky on a meaningful level, as their sessions often meander into humor and tangents. She has a sense of humor about her own life, often sharing small personal anecdotes during sessions.

The Rosedale Community Players is a proud member in good standing of CTAM (Community Theatre Association of Michigan) and AACT (American Association of Community Theatre). For more information about CTAM or AACT, click on their logos.